Friday, June 08, 2007


Admittedly, it's been a while since we've posted. But silence doesn't necessarily indicate lack of thought . . . just look at Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.*

Thomas last spoke during Supreme Court oral argument on Feb. 22, 2006. Since then, the court has convened for 104 oral arguments. That's 104 consecutive hours, during which Thomas hasn't said one single word. Since October 2004, Thomas has uttered a grand total of 281 words.

Thomas is getting your tax dollars for his silence. Consig and I, on the other hand, just do this for fun (and God knows nobody reads this anyway, so I don't really know who I'm addresssing). Further, even with over a year off, our word total kicks the ass of Thomas' word total.

So, for the last year, just consider the Consig and I the "strong silent type." Henceforth, we shall endeavor to be more like Justice Breyer (who has unleashed nearly 35,000 words during oral arguments since January). Soon, you, like the poor lawyers appearing before Breyer, will be begging us to shut the fuck up.

* -- bad example; in Thomas' case silence does likely indicate a complete and utter lack of brain activity.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ah yes, Thomas the silent hero of the 5 to 4 majority. Politicizing Supreme Court decisions since 2007!

Seriously, the next time I see a Supreme Court nominee's or justuce's face on C-SPAN, I want to see a caption with a D or R next to their name along with their state of origin.