Thursday, October 28, 2004

My brain hurts....

Ok, this should be an odd post. It seems there is a bulletin board at my sister's work, and some moron posted, "Wow, a lunar eclipse during the World Series, I wonder if that has ever happened?" Ok, this is from a person pulling a paycheck, which pisses me off. What a complete moron. Worse though is the response. "This is the first lunar eclipse during the series, but of course, the World Series started in ____?" Ok, this person managed to say "of course" before stating a fact that they didn't know. Um, of course what? Of course, the World Series Started when, 1999? 1900? 400 BC? 0? I need these facts, otherwise it all speculation. And what if there was a World Series in 0 or around there? Here is the article I dug up from the archives....

First World Series! Romans defeat Jews 4 games to 3! A real barnburner in the final game, as rightfielder Pontious Pilate nailed left fielder Jesus at the plate to prevent the tying run. All twelve guys following him were also tagged out as Pilate recorded the outs in the final three innings with the one throw. Jesus was still named WS MVP as he hit 1.000 (the man is infallible, you know?) and robbed 7 home runs while walking on the walls. He also kept starting pitcher John the Baptist in by healing his rotator cuff between games 1 and 4. The weak link for the Jews was all field-no hit shortstop Luke, who didn't get a hit all season. "He's here for his glove," said Jesus later, "He was once a fisher of the sea, but I then made him a fisher of men. Then of course, I told him to grab that net of his and become a fisher of sharp grounders in the hole. He did his job." Players became despondant over the course of the season, it is rumored, when they would dump their pay satchels out on the locker room table, and Jesus would repeatedly turn the table over. "We just couldn't keep our money in order," exlaimed third baseman Judas, "Look at the Romans, they've got Nero Steinbrenner paying them in fatted calfs and gold coins. Jesus took away our money and we all signed for unlimited bread and wine. Small market, shmall market, Im opting out before the cock crows thrice." Speaking of the Roman owner, he as already said he will fire his GM after the Jews managed to keep it close. "I'll think of something, " he would say later, "If I have to declare Jesus a heretic, I will. Whatever it takes."

That was all I could get. It was written in cuniform on a stone tablet, so the translation is iffy.....Im pretty sure its accurate though....

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