Thursday, October 28, 2004

Real Quick

Why does your President (your Pres, cause he sure as hell aint MY pres....)......why does your President insist on referring to the terrorists as "evil doers?" Seriously, when did we get trapped in a Marvel Comic? I half expect Osama to be kicking it in the Legion of Doom with Dr. Octopus and The Penguin. Evil doers? Metropolis and Gothem City have evil doers. We have maniacal, suicidal, bomb carrying, rock throwing, unshaven, dirty, stinky bastard terrorists holed up in caves across the Middle East throwing darts at an architectural calender trying to decide which beloved landmark to crash a vehicle into next. I just wonder what they would have done if the planes handn't knocked out the WTC. They tried a van. Then went right to planes. (didn't even try a hangglider, or a middle ground, just straight to jets.) I imagine they would have hijacked the SPace Shuttle. Probably would have gotten away with it too:

"Im sorry, there is no Mohammed on this flight to the moon."
"Oh, I am very sorry. I was on stand is my passport. My name is really John Glenn."
"Oh, Im sorry Mr. Glenn, go right in. And grab a Bistro meal on the way. We'll be serving Tang once we clear the atmosphere."
"Thank you. Praise to Allah."
"What was that?" "Oh, nothing...."

I mean, really, evildoers? He has also referred to the terrorists as a "group of folks." A group of folks go on bus riders to Indian casinos to play bingo. These guy go on plane rides into freaking buildings. Slight difference. A group of folks has bake sales, and meet up for Sunday BBQs. These guys are trying to bake and bbq everyone in America. Let's be a little more technical in the future. I mean, what, softer language so as not to scare people? Dude, the NSA is issuing "blanket warnings" for "general threats" which means the government is making us piss our pants "just because." No specifics, no real reason to get nervous....just G Dubs telling everyone, watch your back for no exact time frame and look for nothing in particular. It could be anything!

Im spent.....

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