Friday, November 19, 2004

The Times, They are a-Changin'

DISCLAIMER -- Sean is feeling very emotional and sappy today, given that bar results are coming out in 5 hours forty-five minutes. READ ON ONLY IF YOU ARE OK WITH EXCESSIVE SAPPINESS. You have been warned.

Tonight, at 6:01 p.m. PST, many of us will officially leave our "formative years" behind and begin our "futures." With this progression will come some of the greatest moments of our lives, including career achievements, marriage, children, and grandchildren.

Throughout law school there have been many milestone events that we have endured and celebrated together -- the first day of classes, the last day of our first finals, graduation, finishing the bar exam, and countless other emotional challenges we have helped each other overcome. These events have changed the person I am much for the better, and I would assume that they have changed others of you as well.

Tonight, while I will certainly feel joy and excitement about the future, I will also feel a bit of sadness for the passing of an amazing part of our lives. Tonight will likely be the final time we all celebrate the same event occuring simultaneously in all of our lives, as we have so many times before.

So, while tonight we celebrate with our eyes focused squarely on our futures, let's also not forget to happily take a look back at how far we've all come. Good luck and see you at the West End.


Anonymous said...

How did you manage to type all of that while performing oral on an old man? I suddenly have the urge to purchase a paisley shirt and watch Will and Grace...

SMP said...

To anonymous -- if you have the old man sit between the keyboard and the monitor with his legs spread around the keyboard, you can manage to perform fellatio on him while watching what you type on the screen. Feel free to use this helpful hint!