Friday, January 21, 2005

Milk, Cookies . . . And Sexy Paaaarties!

I remember when I was in high school, "cool moms" let us stay up late at sleepovers, or maybe drove us to teepee some girl's house . . . now, it's Boogie Nights.

In Arvada, Colorado, a woman who wanted to be known as a "cool mom" supplied alcohol and drugs to teenage boys. Then she had sex with them (Story).

Sylvia "Rollergirl" Johnson, in a desperate attempt to hang with the cool kids, had parties for high school boys almost every week between October 2003 and October 2004 and gave them marijuana, meth and alcohol. Johnson told investigators that "she wasn't popular in high school, but recently felt like one of the group."

What a fucking whacko. Rollergirl felt peer pressure from her own kids. Can someone let me know when moms ceased to be moms and began trying to be friends? If you're a halfway decent parent, your kids aren't always going to like you. Their high school friends probably will think you suck and won't let your kid do anything fun. That's your job -- to keep your kids from running around drinking, smoking pot, and doing meth. I guess Rollergirl got the wrong memo.

A preliminary hearing in the case is set for next month. Johnson will likely enter a plea of hopelessly pathetic.

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